HOME &gt Nam Phuong the last Empress of Viêt Nam &gt Last Empress Consort of the Nguyễn Dynasty - Story of a WomanLife in France & Legacy: Vietnamese Historical Show – MEMORIES OF THE EMPRESS NAM PHUONG OF VIETNAM
Nam Phuong the last Empress of Viêt NamNews

Last Empress Consort of the Nguyễn Dynasty - Story of a WomanLife in France & Legacy: Vietnamese Historical Show – MEMORIES OF THE EMPRESS NAM PHUONG OF VIETNAM

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Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM

Date: January 28 2024
Venue: Salle Colonne – 94, Bld Auguste Blanqui – 75013 Paris (France)

Last Empress Consort of the Nguyễn Dynasty

Last Empress Consort of the Nguyễn Dynasty




Historical Show in Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM

Franco-Vietnamese Cultural and Historical Exchange, has organized one of the first Vietnamese Historical Show in Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM, according to Thanh Ha Nguyên, the director of Thanh Hà Media, the show titled “Mémoires de Nam Phuong” represent an artistic fusion of theater and fashion.


Nam Phuong, also known as Parfum du Sud

Nam Phuong, also known as Parfum du Sud, was born Jeanne Marie-Thérèse Nguyễn Hữu Thị Lan in Gò Công, Cochinchine on November 14, 1913.

She held the esteemed title of the last empress consort of the Nguyễn dynasty, which ruled the Empire of Annam (now known as Vietnam) .

Nam Phuong’s fascinating life journey took her from the bustling streets of Paris to the historic city of Huê, and later to Cannes and finally Chabrignac in the Corrèze region of France.


Let’s delve into her remarkable story:

Early Life and Education

Born into a wealthy family, Nam Phuong’s father, Pierre Nguyễn Hữu-Hào, was a prosperous merchant with deep Catholic roots. He married Marie Lê Thị Binh, the daughter of the Duke of Long-My, whose family owned extensive lands in Cochinchine.

At the age of twelve, Nam Phuong was sent to France for her secondary education. She attended the elite convent school Couvent des Oiseaux in Paris, where she completed her studies in 1932.


Marriage to Emperor Bảo Đại

While vacationing in Dalat in 1933, Nam Phuong’s life took an unexpected turn. Against her wishes, she attended a reception at the Langbian Palace, where she was introduced to Emperor Bảo Đại.

The young couple, both educated in a modern European manner, announced their engagement on March 9, 1934, and their elaborate wedding ceremony took place at the imperial palace in Huê from March 20 to March 24, 1934.

Despite challenges—such as her Catholic faith and opposition from the court—Nam Phuong became the empress consort.

The abdication of Emperor Bảo Đại the last Emperor of Viêtnam

The abdication of Emperor Bảo Đại took place on August 25, 1945, signifying the end of the 143-year reign of the Nguyễn dynasty over Vietnam and effectively terminating the Vietnamese monarchy. Emperor Bảo Đại abdicated in response to the August Revolution.
The Việt Minh, led by Hồ Chí Minh, demanded his abdication, and he officially stepped down on that day.

A public abdication ceremony was held on August 30, 1945, during which the ceremonial seal and sword were symbolically passed to the newly  established Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Following his abdication, Emperor Bảo Đại assumed the title of “citizen Vĩnh Thụy” and became an advisor to the new Vietnamese government in Hanoi.
Later, after the French returned, they attempted to reinstate Bảo Đại as the head of the State of Vietnam, but his role remained symbolic, and the monarchy ceased to exist.


A story of Resilience, Cultural Exchange &  the Enduring Spirit of a WomanLife in France & Legacy

After being deposed in 1955, Nam Phuong settled in Chabrignac, France, with her five children. She passed away on September 15, 1963, leaving behind a rich legacy.
Her tomb in the small cemetery of Chabrignac serves as a poignant reminder of the last empress of Vietnam, who bridged cultures and left an indelible mark on history 23.

Nam Phuong’s story is one of resilience, cultural exchange, and the enduring spirit of a woman who navigated the complexities of royalty and identity across continents. 🌟👑


Cast Composing



Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM-Madame GAUDUCHEAU


Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM-HAI VANNA


Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM-HAI VANNA – ACTRESS THI MAI


Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM-HAI VANNA – ACTOR MR BAO PHUC


Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM- TRAM ANH


Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM-HAI VANNA – MARTIAL ART MR BAO COUNG





Historical Show in Memories of the Empress


Organizing Committee: Thanh Ha Média
Show Directors: Thanh Ha Media
*   Nghia Pham Van: Member of the Organizing Committee
Special Advisor Thanh Ha Média
Spokesperson Thanh Ha Média
* Artistic Advisor: Ngan Tam
* Narrator of the show in French with the voice of
voices of:
Hai Vanna and Trâm Anh
* Fashion designer: Doan Trang
* Singing with the artists’ voices:
Ngan Tam and My Khanh
*Video production: Le Nhu


Musical storytelling, Thanh Ha Média

Through the medium of musical storytelling, Thanh Ha Média have the honor to present to you tonight a page from the history of Vietnam.
This story revolves around the remarkable yet tragic tale of the last Emperor of the NGUYEN dynasty, as well as a glimpse into the lives of Emperor BAO DAI and Empress NAM PHUONG .

The Royal Court Music

Through the elegant melodies of the royal court music (Nhã nhạc cung đình Huế) and the art of popular singing from the music enthusiasts in Southern Vietnam (known as Don Ca Tai tu)UNESCO has recognized it as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This musical tradition, with both scholarly and folk roots, developed in southern Vietnam during the late 19th century. People in the south consider it an indispensable part of their cultural heritage, performed at various events such as festivals, rituals, and social gatherings. The audience actively participates by practicing, commenting, and even creating new lyrics for the songs. The instruments used in this art form include the kim (moon-shaped lute), co (two-stringed fiddle), tranh (16-string zither), ty ba (pear-shaped lute), song lang (percussion), bau (monochord), sao (bamboo flute), and adapted violin and guitar. The musicians contributing to Don Ca Tai Tu include master instrumentalists, lyricists, singers, and performers. With this honor, UNESCO hopes that Vietnam will continue to protect and promote this rich cultural heritage through community involvement and education.

Historical Show in Memories of the Empress representing in four scenes

Scene 1 – The Royal Court

The DRAGON Robe serves as the emblem of power and Emperor BAO DAI kingdom.
All royal colors converge to emphasize the prominence of Emperor BAO DAI throne. Every divine blessing is bestowed upon the nobility of this Dragon robe.


Scene 2 – The Official Crown of the Empress of Viêtnam

In accordance with our mutual promises regarding marriage, I, Emperor Bao Dai, the ruler of the land of Annam, wish to officially crown Miss Nguyen Huu Thi Lan as Empress at this moment, allowing her to don the royal robes of the court.

From now on, her title is: Empress Nam Phuong of Vietnam. which
symbolizes the fragrance of the South Vietnamese country.


Scene 3 – Emperor BAO DAI Quote

I would prefer to be a citizen of an independent country rather than Emperor of an enslaved one

This quote reflects his desire for Vietnam’s independence and freedom. Despite his royal status, he valued the freedom and independence of his country more than his own power and position.


Scene 4 – I will always be your King, the sun of your life! Your Emperor!

I will always be your King, the sun of your life! Your Emperor!
Although the throne has vanished, my title of imperial sovereignty remains etched forever in history.
I will always be your King, the sun of your life! Your Emperor! Despite the throne’s disappearance, my sovereign title endures and will forever be inscribed in the annals of time.


Event Promoted & Organized by THANH HA MEDIA



143 Lê Tấn Bê, Phường An Lạc, Quận Bình Tân , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
+84 93 462 93 09

Call: +33 625 18 80 43


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Vietnamese Historical Show – Memories of the Empress NAM PHUONG of VIETNAM – Salle Colonne