HOME &gt Catwalk &gt ACCRA FASHION WEEK 2017 – Ghana
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Celebrates the 60 years Independence with Fashion and Style will take place from October 2017, 3th to 8th at International Trade Fair Center in Accra Ghana.


The designers have only few days before the finalizing registered list for Accra Fashion Week, although we expected to close applications somewhere in August, it seems our designer count may just reach it’s peak sooner than expected. The excitement is already building up as we just over three months away from Ghana’s very own Accra Fashion Week 2017 and it’s brought to you by Ghana’s very own Fashion GHANA.com. Come and witness the best of West African models, the best fashion looks, network, and get to see designers from almost every fashion capital of Africa. This year, the week long of fashion is set to be Africa’s biggest sensation with various activities across the board!

Fashion Fair

From seminars,to designer meet and greets, to a Fashion Fair and much more. The aim was to give a platform to some of the most spectacular designers brands producing most quality fashion including those who have made a name and those who haven’t. For years, mind blowing designers have worked in Ghana and Africa as a whole but not had the chance to be international, instead have had to engage in direct one on one clientele order.

The aim of Accra Fashion Week

is to see to it that Ghana would be the first sub sahara African country where our boutiques learn to embrace our various designers. With a lack of a buyers culture in Ghana, for years designers have spent hefty money performing at shows at which at most they receive media publicity. This year with the excessive participation of Ghanaian boutique, we will change this reality, hence the sub title, The Buyers Opportunity. If interested in being a part, please fill in the form below.

With the various fashion weeks across Africa and a growing thirst for African fashion creativity across the world, Accra Fashion Week aims to fill the void which seems tremendous creativity and culture across the continent with the absence of an operating fashion infrastructure.

Accra Fashion Week

Will be operating to level a platform for African designers that which can be compared to fashion weeks across the major capitals. Ghana has held the flag for most of what many class as African fashion and will act as the main melting pot for Fashion business in Africa.