HOME &gt AI Ethics and Laws &gt Computer ethics, algorithmic, robotic, or artificial ethics; digital ethics; and the ethics of AI usage (or UX AI ethics): Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected
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Computer ethics, algorithmic, robotic, or artificial ethics; digital ethics; and the ethics of AI usage (or UX AI ethics): Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected

Date: December 28 2023

Location: Worldwide

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies
have traversed decades of development, yet the rapid integration of language learning models, exemplified by ChatGPT, into mainstream applications has heightened longstanding apprehensions.

Simultaneously, technology companies find themselves embroiled in an intense arms race, hastening the incorporation of AI into their products to outpace competitors. This convergence creates a perfect storm..


The acceleration of disinformation

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected – The acceleration of disinformation


The acceleration of disinformation propels the deterioration of truth, serving as a catalyst for profound societal consequences.

The so-called AI revolution, though a long-evolving process, has reached a critical juncture. Machine learning, the driving force behind algorithms shaping our social media newsfeeds, has faced criticism for perpetuating gender bias, fueling division, and contributing to political unrest.

As artificial intelligence models gain prominence, experts caution that unresolved issues tied to these technologies will magnify. Worst-case scenarios loom, including the gradual erosion of our collective understanding of truth and reliable information.

This erosion, if left unchecked, could lead to uprisings based on falsehoods, a perilous situation exemplified by the 6 January attack on the US Capitol.
Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil and even wars ignited by the surge in mis- and disinformation.


The data science platform Anaconda, Peter Wang

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected – The data science platform Anaconda, Peter Wang


The CEO and co-founder of the data science platform Anaconda, Peter Wang, provides insight, suggesting that the breakdown in social media could be viewed as humanity’s initial encounter with what he terms « really dumb AI. »

He attributes this characterization to the simplicity of recommender systems, which are essentially rudimentary machine learning models. According to Wang, society has unequivocally faltered in its handling of this encounter, setting the stage for the far-reaching consequences witnessed in the realm of disinformation, with the 6 January 2023 incident as a stark illustration.


Ethics and Laws

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected – Ethics and Laws


Ethics and laws surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) are complex and constantly evolving, raising critical questions in the context of the relationship between emerging technologies and human beings. Several key points merit in-depth analysis.

Firstly, the growing role of AI in decision-making raises significant concerns.
As AI increasingly integrates into various sectors such as healthcare, banking, retail, and manufacturing, the promise of radical transformations is accompanied by the worry that these complex and opaque systems could lead to more social harm than economic benefit.

Ethical concerns are pervasive, manifesting through three major areas.


Privacy and Surveillance

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected – Privacy and Surveillance


Firstly, privacy and surveillance raise questions about the protection of individual data in the face of the increasing ubiquity of AI. Secondly, biases and discrimination emerge as critical concerns, highlighting the need to ensure fairness in automated decisions.

Finally, the deepest and most complex question revolves around the role of human judgment in a world increasingly governed by algorithms.

The issue of legal and ethical responsibility also constitutes a fertile ground for debate. Identifying parties responsible for systematic errors in AI raises complex moral and legal questions, requiring thoughtful reflection on the implications of these technologies on society.

Regulating AI proves to be a major challenge. As a legal regulator, AI must be subject to clear standards to ensure its ethical use and protect fundamental rights. However, devising appropriate regulations is challenging, given the rapid evolution of technology.

Finally, ethical and legal considerations related to AI encompass diverse issues, including privacy, surveillance, biases, and discrimination.

These challenges require a holistic approach to ensure that the deployment of AI aligns with fundamental ethical values and respects individual rights.

It is crucial to emphasize that these issues are dynamic, evolving alongside technological progress and societal adjustments to its use. Moreover, responses to these complex questions may vary depending on specific cultural, social, and legal contexts, underscoring the need for a contextual approach in formulating ethical and legal solutions.


Four distinct Ethics of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies – Experts issue stern warnings of potential turmoil if the Ethics of AI is not respected – Four distinct ethics of AI 


To accomplish this task, the analysis is grounded in the hypothesis that four discourse forms are at play, giving rise to four distinct ethics of AI:

Computer Ethics, Algorithmic, Robotic, or Artificial Ethics; Digital Ethics; and the Ethics of AI usage (or UX AI ethics).

These forms are implemented by specialists from various academic domains and differ for several reasons expounded upon this analyzing.

By elucidating the nature of each discourse, defining their methodological framework, and delimiting their respective scopes, it becomes possible to subject them to questioning in relation to the overarching purposes typically associated with ethics.


Computer Ethics


The first of these ethical frameworks, computer ethics, delves into the ethical considerations inherent in the field of computing.

Algorithmic, robotic, or artificial ethics

Algorithmic, robotic, or artificial ethics extends its focus to the ethical implications of algorithms, robotics, and artificial intelligence.


Digital ethics

Digital ethics, on the other hand, centers on the ethical challenges posed by the digitization of various aspects of life.


AI usage, or UX AI ethics

UX AI ethics


Lastly, the ethics of AI usage, or UX AI ethics, revolves around the ethical dimensions of how users interact with and experience artificial intelligence.

These diverse ethical perspectives are shaped by experts hailing from varied academic disciplines, each contributing unique insights and methodologies.

The differences among these ethical frameworks are thoroughly examined within the article, shedding light on the reasons for their distinctions.

By bringing clarity to the characteristics of each discourse form, elucidating their methodological foundations, and delineating their specific scopes, the analysis provides a foundation for questioning them in relation to the broader ethical objectives traditionally associated with ethical inquiry.

This nuanced understanding not only fosters a comprehensive examination of the ethical landscape surrounding AI but also facilitates a more informed and targeted exploration of the ethical dimensions within each domain, contributing to a holistic approach to AI ethics.

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By Zou, Katia & Dan NGU – New Media Making Introducing AI FASHION MAG, a groundbreaking fusion of Human Ingenuity & Technological Innovation


Daniel Nguyen is the CEO and owner of DN-Africa, a premier African fashion magazine that is revolutionizing the landscape of the African fashion industry and elevating the global fashion arena to new heights .
The magazine offers an unparalleled digital journey tailored for professionals within the Fashion Industry.
It curates an array of distinctive services encompassing editorial content, photography, and video resources.
The goal of DN-Africa is to provide African fashion trends by means of cultural and fashion events and to identify new faces and talents 1. By mixing up massive and complex digital data, DN-Africa creates a strategic leverage for designers who want to improve their global image on the internet faster



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