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Celine MINET International Model – Togo

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Celine MINET International Model from Togo

She has received lately an Award from AFRICAN MODELS AWARDS 8TH Edition #AMA8 ‘Les Awards du Mannequinat Africain’ – 8th Edition in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Dec 15th 2017.

Celine Minet

The ceremony Awards took place at the Congress Palace Sofitel Hotel d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), the event is organized by Fatim SIDIME and SYDNEY CONCEPTUEL Model Agency.
In the presence of leading fashion figures and fond of haute couture. This edition was under the chairmanship of the Minister of national education Kandia Camara and the dual sponsorship of Catherine Lasky editor of Black Beauty magazine and Miss Zahui, President of Ong Yéhé.


represent the different awarding for  to the Models in Ivory Coast and a Diaspora Honor Award for the International Black Model representative from different countries in Africa and in Europe (France, Italy, South Africa, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo).


-International Agency for Management, Promotion and Lobbying
Initiated by the TOP MODEL, Fatim SIDIME aka Fatim Sydney.


”Les-awards du Mannequinat Africain – AMA8 – Celine MINET wearing a dress design by Habbib Sangaré

”Les-awards du Mannequinat Africain – AMA8 – Celine MINET by Fatim SIDIME and SYDNEY CONCEPTUEL

Celine MINET Kwalk

Lome (Togo)

-Fashion shows in Lomé & amp; Karat (Togo) , Nadiaka Africa, Ayannik & amp; Eamod,

– FIMO228, Night of Gratitude, Elima 

Accra (Ghana)

– Fashion Show in Accra (Ghana) for Woodin, Ghana Fashion week, Mercedes Benz, 

Cotonou (Benin)

– Fashion show in Cotonou (Benin) for Fesmma, Vlisco Benin, etc …


– Kwalk in Cameroon for Cameroon Fashion show

Dakar (Senegal)

– Kwalk for Mame Fagueye Ba & amp; Dakar Fashion Week in Senegal


– Gabon Fashion Week show in Gabon

Niamey (Niger)

– Kwalk in Niger: Fima 2016 by Alpha DI

Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

– Kwalk in Ivory Coast: Top 10 Ivorian Fashion by Kifack Beyrouth,  Redaz Fawaz from Dream to Reality 2017, 

– Kwalk of the Francophonie 2017 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) …

-Fatim SIDIME for  »Les Awards du Mannequinat Africain 2018.

– Shooting for Panasonic in Belgium. Lookbook for Desmo stylists design, Kris Khali, Fafa Creation, Mame Fagueye Ba, Lahad Gueye, Bonfils Souleman>

Celine MINET Statistics from Challenge Model Agency

Statistics : Height: 1,77m  Bust : 88 cm / 81 Waist: 65 /  Hips: 94 /  Eyes Color : Black  Hair Color : White.

She come from Challenge Model Agency, Jacques LOGOH is the CEO. Challenge Model Agency has introduced Celine MINET in the world of fashion, who put her  in the stirrup to become a Top Model.
Challenge Model Agency give an opportunity to a lot of Model in Togo to become a professional, they are in full progression and recognized in the world of fashion and advertising in TOGO.

The office is located in the heart of Lome have become the reference for whom looking for neat services and high quality. Jacques LOGOH is also the CEO of a Fashion Festival name FIMO 228.

Fimo 228 – Festival International de la Mode au Togo – 5th Edition


[stag_map lat= »6.121448″ long= »1.218348″ width= »100% » height= »350px » style= »bright_bubbly » zoom= »15″ type= »roadmap »]


Must See

Shooting for Parfait Icouba, Cameroun designer in Senegal



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