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M’ba M’etta by Nyorh Agwe American Cameroon Designer

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M’ba M’etta by Nyorh Agwe American Cameroon Designer

Nyorh Agwe is the founder and head designer of a contemporary clothing brand Nyorh Agwe.


I decided to jump start my own brand in the beginning of 2016 after much successwith my first collection « M’ba M’etta- We the Metta People. »


[stag_dropcap font_size= »47px » style= »squared »]B[/stag_dropcap]orn in Yaoundé, Cameroon in 1993, Nyorh Agwe did not stay there for long.In fact, shortly after her birth she moved back to Italy with her mother and grew up there until she was 4 years old. From there she moved back to Cameroon and lived there until she was 6 before finally moving to the United States. Even then her family always traveled and Nyorh began to live a life that was constantly changing and moving.

M’ba M’etta Collection by Nyorh Agwe is a woman’s lifestyle brand that reflects cultural experiences of an African girl

M’ba M’etta Collection

M’ba M’etta is the latest collection by Nyorh Agwe, a woman’s lifestyle brand that reflects cultural experiences of an African girl growing up anywhere except in Africa.

The idea came up when she was for the first time in Cameroon. Walking through the bush Agwe’s father taught her how

Nyorhg Agwe

raffia fibers were used for baskets, mats, brooms etc. She also learned that raffia was the sole fiber for traditional dyeing. Nyorh Agwe became sad when she heard that this dyeing practise is slowly disappearing and being replaced with modern forms and materials.

Through her past collections she has been exploring collaborative efforts with artisans from her home country Cameroon. She soon realized that she needed to be a greater impact in the disappearing art culture of my people. However, she cannot do it alone. In fact it may take a village, but together they can impact lives, continue a culture, improve our world, and look fabulous all while doing it.


Go fund Nyorh SS2017

M’ba M’etta Collection

NYORH AGWE Seasons 15, 16, and 17 presented at African Fashion Week Barcelona on July 1st, 2017.

Nyorh Agwe is a unique ethical luxury lifestyle brand that breeds bold individuality. Throughout the brand visuals unfold telling the continuous story of an African girl growing up everywhere except Africa. The journey brings about moments, memories, and experiences blurred between multi cultural and social barriers to challenge and to share throughout the collection.

M’ba M’etta Collection by Nyorh Agwe 2015


A thoughtful collaboration between Stylist Tamika Wilson, Photographer SUNDNCE, and NYORH AGWE
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