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Take an active role in the fight against climate change: Jadav PAYENG – Forest Man of India One man’s will to save the environment

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Jadav PAYENG – Forest Man of India

One man’s will to save the environment

Location: No. 1 Mishing Gaon, No. 5 Spur, Jorhat, India, Assam (INDIA)

Jadav Payeng, nicknamed « the man of the forest« , is an Indian environmentalist known for transforming a vast area of degraded land into a lush forest by planting thousands of trees over several decades. His hard work and determination have had a positive impact on the region’s environment and biodiversity.

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Forest Man of India

Forest Man Foundation-ONE TRILLION tREE BY 2050 -Molai Forest-JADAV PAYENG-Forest Man of India – Fight against climate change – Molai Kathony


Forest Man of India @forestmanofindia He raises a crucial point about climate change that we all need to consider. Climate change is not something we can simply change overnight. It’s a complex process that requires collective efforts.
However, everyone can make a difference by actively participating in planting and protecting more trees.

Trees play a vital role in mitigating climate change. They absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere, and release oxygen, which we need to breathe. By increasing the number of trees, we can help regulate the climate and combat rising temperatures.

As the Forest Man rightly warns, if we fail to take action, the consequences could be dire. Heatwaves, like the ones we’re experiencing now, could become more frequent and intense. However, humanity still have a chance to prevent this. By planting trees, anyone can create shaded areas, reduce urban heat island effects, and provide habitats for wildlife.

Let’s join hands and take an active role in the fight against climate change. Planting trees doesn’t require much effort but can have a significant impact. You can start by planting trees in your backyard, participating in community tree-planting initiatives, or supporting organizations dedicated to reforestation efforts.

Together, humanity can make a difference and secure a cooler future for generations to come. Let’s embrace the Forest Man’s message and take action today. Share this post to spread awareness and encourage others to join the movement!


The story of Jadav Payeng

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The story of Jadav Payeng, also known as « Molai« , is an inspiring example of commitment to the environment and dedication to creating positive change.

It all began in the 1970s, when Jadav Payeng, a resident of Majuli Island in the Indian state of Assam, noticed that deforestation and soil erosion were having a negative impact on his environment. He noticed that water levels were rising every year, and that local wildlife was gradually disappearing. Concerned for the natural world around him, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

In 1979, after many snakes had died of drought and heat, Jadav Payeng planted his first seed in a devastated, barren area. Despite doubts and an initial lack of support, he continued to plant trees, one by one, day after day, for decades.

In the end, his perseverance paid off. Over the years, the forest he created grew spectacularly. The trees attracted a variety of wildlife, including elephants, tigers, rhinos and birds. His creation has become a veritable biodiversity reserve in a once barren region.

Jadav Payeng has demonstrated the impact that individuals can have on environmental conservation. His work has been recognized and celebrated nationally and internationally. He has received awards and honors for his outstanding dedication to the protection of nature.

Jadav Payeng‘s story illustrates the power of determination and love for nature. It reminds us that every individual can make a significant contribution to preserving our planet, no matter how small the effort.


Jadav Payeng principles and techniques to plant and cultivate trees

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Jadav Payeng has implemented several simple but effective principles and techniques to plant and cultivate trees in the degraded region of Majuli Island. Here are some of these principles and techniques:

Constant planting: Payeng believed in consistency. He planted trees every day, year after year, relentlessly. This created a critical mass of trees that eventually stabilized the soil and fostered the growth of a forest.

Species selection: He chose tree species that were adapted to local conditions and could thrive in the area. This contributed to the long-term viability of the forest.

Seed collection: Payeng collected seeds from various sources, including surrounding trees and natural areas, to ensure a variety of species in his forest.

Watering and maintenance: In the early years, he had to water the trees regularly to help them get established. He also took care of the forest by eliminating weeds and protecting young plants from wild animals.

Protection from animals: To prevent animals from eating the saplings, Payeng set up natural barriers and also built shelters to protect them.

Local awareness: Payeng has worked to raise community awareness of the importance of nature conservation. He has encouraged local people to take care of the forest and participate in tree planting.

Holistic approach: His work focused not only on planting trees, but also on creating a balanced ecosystem. He encouraged the growth of a variety of plants and attracted wildlife by providing a suitable habitat.

Long-term and patient: Jadav Payeng had a long-term perspective. He knew that creating a mature forest would take years, if not decades. His patience and perseverance were essential to the success of his project.

Using these principles and techniques, Jadav Payeng succeeded in transforming degraded land into a thriving, diverse forest. His vision, determination and commitment to nature have been the foundations of his success.


Tree planting

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Tree planting is an essential action for preserving the environment and combating climate change. Collecting seeds, creating tree-planting associations and implementing reforestation programs are important strategies for increasing vegetation cover and restoring ecosystems.

Here are a few points to bear in mind when considering tree-planting initiatives:

Species selection: It’s crucial to choose tree species appropriate to the region where you’re planting. Native species are often preferable, as they are better adapted to local conditions and promote biodiversity.

Long-term management: Tree planting is more than just putting seeds in the ground. Long-term monitoring is needed to ensure tree survival and growth, as well as to manage potential threats such as disease, fire and human activity.

Partnerships: Working with local associations, environmental organizations, governments and businesses can help you gain financial support, resources and expertise for your initiatives.

Education and awareness: Informing local communities and the general public about the importance of tree planting and nature conservation can generate greater commitment and participation.

Monitoring and evaluation: It’s important to measure the progress of your tree-planting initiatives and assess their impact on the local environment, biodiversity and climate.

Sustainability: Ensure that tree-planting methods are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Avoid practices that could cause long-term damage, such as planting invasive species.

Adapting to climate change: Take climate change and weather conditions into account when planning your tree-planting initiatives.

Community involvement: Involve local communities in the tree-planting process. Their support and active participation are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of projects.

The idea that every individual can contribute to tree planting is a fundamental principle of environmental conservation. It’s a concrete action that everyone can take to help protect our planet and create a more sustainable future.


The reforestation and the creation of sustainable ecosystems

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The reforestation and the creation of sustainable ecosystems. When an individual nurtures a connection with the land, plants trees, nurtures vegetation and engages with love, it creates the potential for a forest to grow, even on a small scale. This personal, dedicated approach can have a positive long-term effect on the environment and biodiversity.

Our thought reminds to everyone  that reforestation depends not only on technology and resources, but also on a deep and respectful relationship with nature. It’s a powerful reminder that every individual has the potential to contribute to restoring our planet and preserving its natural beauty.


Video Produce by BRUT INDIA

Residence Of Jadav Payeng – Forest Man of India

Forest Man Foundation-ONE TRILLION tREE BY 2050 -Molai Forest-JADAV PAYENG-Forest Man of India – Fight against climate change – Molai Kathony


No. 1 Mishing Gaon, No. 5 Spur, Jorhat, India, Assam
+91 60026 47344