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Artificial Intelligence Friendly - Generative AI Models - A significant advancement in Artificial Intelligence: AI Friendly or how getting a Positive Impact on Humanity against job displacement

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AI Friendly or how getting a Positive Impact on Humanity against job displacement

Date: September 10 2023

Location: Paris (France)

AI Friendly

Artificial Intelligence Friendly

Polygonal brain shape of an artificial intelligence with AI text and various icon of smart city Internet of Things Technology over Asian Businesswoman in casual suit working with smart mobile phone


« AI Friendly » is a term denoting artificial intelligence designed to have a positive or non-harmful impact on humanity, aligning with human interests or values1.

The primary aim is to guarantee that AI systems neither pose harm to humans nor create existential risks but instead assist and enhance human well-being.
It’s important to note that «  AI Friendly  » doesn’t necessarily imply AI systems being friendly in the sense of companionship, helpfulness, happiness, or obedience; rather, it means upholding human values and notions of value preservation.

The concept of  AI Friendly  is intricate and contentious, involving a range of ethical, technical, and philosophical challenges.
These encompass defining and quantifying friendliness, ensuring AI systems adhere to their intended objectives, striking a balance between human diversity and autonomy within AI alignment, and addressing potential conflicts or trade-offs between human and AI interests.


There are many AI applications that people can learn, even if they don’t have Speciality or Technical Skills.

Application of AI


Some examples are:

Stock price prediction:
using historical data and machine learning algorithms to forecast the future prices of stocks.

creating conversational agents that can interact with humans using natural language processing and generation.

Customer advice:
providing personalized recommendations or suggestions to customers based on their preferences, needs and behavior.

Facial emotion recognition:
detecting and analyzing the emotions of human faces using computer vision and deep learning1.

Personality prediction:
inferring the personality traits of a person based on their text, speech or image inputs using machine learning and psychology.


You can find more AI project ideas and topics for beginners



You can also find some online tutorials, courses and resources that can help you learn the basics of AI, such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Basics of AI – Guru99
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)Coursera
  • AI for Beginners – GitHub Pages

Convincing people to adopt the right attitude towards progress and not being afraid about job displacement

Job Displacement due to Technology


Convincing people to adopt the right attitude towards progress, especially in the face of job displacement due to technological advancements, can be a complex but important endeavor.

Technological Advancements

Here are some strategies and approaches to consider:

Education and Awareness:

Inform the public about the benefits of progress and technological advancement. Highlight how these changes can improve overall quality of life, create new opportunities, and lead to economic growth.

Reskilling and Upskilling:
Invest in education and training programs that help individuals acquire new skills and adapt to changing job markets. Provide access to affordable and relevant courses, both online and offline.

Job Transition Support:
Develop comprehensive job transition programs that offer career counseling, resume building, interview preparation, and job placement services to those who are displaced by technology.

Public-Private Partnerships:
Encourage collaboration between government, businesses, and educational institutions to create initiatives that address workforce needs and bridge the skills gap.

Universal Basic Income (UBI):
Consider implementing UBI or similar social safety nets to provide a financial cushion for individuals affected by job displacement, ensuring they can meet their basic needs while they transition to new employment or pursue education.

Promote Entrepreneurship:
Foster an entrepreneurial culture that encourages individuals to create their own opportunities and businesses. Provide resources and support for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Community Engagement:
Involve communities in discussions about progress and job displacement. Seek input and ideas from local residents to tailor solutions to their specific needs.

Redefine Success:
Shift societal perceptions of success away from traditional job stability and towards adaptability, continuous learning, and resilience in the face of change.

Inclusive Decision-Making:
Ensure that decision-making processes about technological progress involve diverse stakeholders, including those most likely to be affected. Their perspectives and concerns should be taken into account.

Communication and Transparency:
Clearly communicate the potential impact of progress and job displacement, while being transparent about the challenges and uncertainties. Address fears and concerns openly.

Policy and Regulation:
Develop policies and regulations that promote responsible technological innovation and ensure that the benefits are broadly distributed, rather than concentrated among a few.

Showcase Success Stories:
Highlight examples of individuals who have successfully adapted to technological change and used it to their advantage. Personal stories can inspire others.

Continuous Learning Culture:
Encourage a culture of lifelong learning, where individuals understand that acquiring new skills and knowledge is an ongoing process necessary for career longevity.

Remember that addressing the challenges of progress and job displacement requires a multifaceted approach, and it may take time to achieve widespread acceptance and adaptation to change.

Public and private sector collaboration, as well as a commitment to social inclusivity and support, are crucial for helping people transition smoothly into the evolving job landscape.

What’s job displacement

Jobs lost to automation


Job displacement by AI represents the loss of jobs or tasks due to the use of artificial intelligence or automation.

It can affect various industries and workers, especially those with low skills or repetitive tasks.

However, AI can also create new jobs or increase the value of other skills, such as creativity, communication, or data analysis.

Therefore, job displacement by AI is not necessarily a negative outcome, but rather a challenge that requires adaptation and education. You can learn more about this topic from these sources:

  • The 15 Biggest Risks Of Artificial Intelligence – Forbes
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Jobs
  • The jobs most likely to be lost and created because of AI | World Economic Forum


Generative AI Models – A significant advancement in Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI is indeed a fascinating branch of artificial intelligence that excels in creating new content or data based on existing information, spanning various forms like images, text, audio, and video.

The versatility of generative AI has led to numerous practical applications, including content creation, data augmentation, image synthesis, text summarization, and much more.

A wide range of Generative AI models has been developed to accomplish these tasks, some of which include:

A model designed for natural language understanding and generation, capable of engaging in text-based conversations.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers):
Known for its contextual understanding of language, it has been influential in various natural language processing tasks.

LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications):
An AI model by Google designed for more natural and open-ended conversations.

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3):
Renowned for its text generation capabilities, it’s among the most advanced language models.

An extension of the original DALL-E, capable of generating images from text descriptions.

A generative AI model with diverse applications in content generation, text synthesis, and more.

Stable Diffusion:
A model that specializes in generating high-quality images.

These generative AI models represent a significant advancement in artificial intelligence and have the potential to revolutionize various industries by automating content creation, enhancing data analysis, and contributing to creative fields such as Art and Literature.


The AI revolution: Google’s developers on the future





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