HOME &gt News &gt L'OFFICIEL INDIA - Opulent Odyssey - 23th Anniversary ISSUE: Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024

L'OFFICIEL INDIA - Opulent Odyssey - 23th Anniversary ISSUE: Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024

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Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024

Date: April 1 2024
Venue: L’Officiel India – 23th Anniversary ISSUE

Ayesha Rodrigo, a name that shines brightly in the world of fashion and beauty

Ayesha Rodrigo, a name that shines brightly in the world of fashion and beauty, hails from the vibrant city of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Her journey in the fashion industry began in 2012, but her passion for fashion was ignited much earlier when she pursued her diploma in fashion design.

Ayesha’s career has been a remarkable journey from the bustling streets of her hometown, Colombo, to the prestigious Haute Couture houses of Paris.
This journey has not only shaped her career but also made her a symbol of talent and charm in the fashion industry.

She made history by becoming the first Sri Lankan female model to walk on a European runway.
This achievement has brought immense pride to her home country and has set a precedent for aspiring models in Sri Lanka.

In 2024, Ayesha graced the 23rd Anniversary Issue of L’Officiel India with an editorial shoot.
This milestone in her career further solidified her status in the fashion industry and showcased her talent on an international platform.

Ayesha’s journey is a testament to her dedication, passion, and talent.
Her story continues to inspire many in the world of fashion and beyond. As she continues to blaze trails and break barriers, the world eagerly awaits to see what Ayesha Rodrigo will do next.
Cheers to her extraordinary journey!


Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – Opulent Odyssey – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024



Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – Opulent Odyssey – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024


Ayesha Rodrigo – Editorial Shoot for L’OFFICIEL INDIA – Opulent Odyssey – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024


Team Credits:

Photographer: Rex Fernando
Model: Ayesha Niroshani Rodrigo @ayesha_rodrigo8
Professional Makeup Artist: Shalini Ravindrarasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ayesha12310
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ayesha_rodrigo8/
Faceboo: https://www.facebook.com/p/Ayesha-Rodrigo-100086379495942/?paipv=0&eav=AfZfwdeH7vvezzx9hE0E22Ao8giduMliz_WH1yc-lm7ruYC5-RF9vMNI_aJtnMkw6E8&_rdr




L’OFFICIEL INDIA – 23th Anniversary ISSUE – April 2024

L’OFFICIEL-INDIA-MEDIA-PARTNER-23th-Anniversary-Opulent-Odyssey -Cover -April-Issue-2024


In the lit corridors of sound, where basslines pulse like heartbeats and melodies shimmer like stardust, there exists a maestro.
His good name? Steve Aoki—a sonic sorcerer, a dancefloor deity, and a relentless seeker of sonic transcendence!
Meet our Hommes Cover Star, whose live performances are nothing less than electric storms. Visit the website to read everything you need to know about him as we dig deep spilling some major things!


L’OFFICIEL-INDIA-MEDIA-PARTNER-23th-Anniversary-Opulent-Odyssey-Cover -April-Issue-2024-Steve-Aoki – Electrifying Beats Unstoppable Energy

Team Credits:

Talent: Steve Aoki @steveaoki
Photography: Dalong Yang @dalongdalong
Production: Cory Couture Production @corycoutureproductions
Jolie Nguyen @jolienguyennofficial
Styling: Steven Doan @stevendoanstyle
Hair: Chatchawan Sotonvong
Makeup: Selena Thitichotisakun @selena__makeupp
Photography Assistants: Meng
Abner Zong
Jane Hou
Location: Akara Sky Hanuman @akaraskyhanuman.bangkok
Art Director: Vincent Tran @vincenttranartistry

Official Media Partner:




L’Officiel India** is a fashion magazine published in India by TCG Media Limited.
It is a part of the international L’Officiel magazine group, which has editions in over 32 countries.
The magazine was launched in 2006 and is published monthly.

It covers fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and culture. Known as the Fashion Bible for Indian women, L’Officiel India features the most sought-after insider’s views of luxury.
The content is a mix of some of the most iconic fashion trends from India3. You can find more about their latest articles and trends on their website.

Nitin Agarwal, Editor &CEO

Website: https://lofficiel.in/



Partenaire Officielle



AEFW – Asian European Fashion Week


Rex Fernando, the driving force behind House of Vendome Paris, brings a wealth of experience and vision to the fashion landscape.
With a keen eye for innovation and style, Rex is the architect of our brand’s success.


Fashion Designer: At House of Vendome Paris, our commitment to offering unparalleled elegance is epitomized by an curated team of designers. Each selection is a testament to creativity and the undeniable relevance of their collections.

Meet the talented Fashion Designers, the creative minds shaping the elegance and uniqueness of House of Vendome Paris‘s collections.
Their passion for fashion translates into every stitch and silhouette, defining our brand’s signature aesthetic.



AEFW – Asian European Fashion Week Contact:

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/rexchristyfernando/photos_by

Email: studiofdo@hotmail.com



ACHAT OR PARIS – BUYING & SELLING GOLD – Immerse Yourself in the Brilliance of Rian Joaillerie






Media Partner:


AI FASHION MAG by Zou & Katia

This pioneering AI fashion magazine showcases the boundless possibilities that arise when creativity harmonizes with cutting-edge technology.




Talking about artificial intelligence (AI), let imagine scenarios movies where robots gain consciousness and turn against humans.
However, in reality, AI is already being utilized in various beneficial ways, such as aiding in medical research and providing customer support.
As AI continues to advance, its potential applications will only expand.

One fascinating area of AI is the concept of friendly AI. This involves using AI to assist human in achieving their goals, rather than working in opposition to us.
For instance, friendly AI could be employed to discover eco-friendly sources of energy or to help us manage the finances in a manner that enhances our overall well-being.



DN-A INTERNATIONAL aims to support and elevate the creative voices of the continent, fostering growth, recognition, and opportunities for African talents.

Remember, the goal of DN-A INTERNATIONAL is to provide the offer an unparalleled digital journey.



L’OFFICIEL-INDIA-MEDIA-PARTNER-23th-Anniversary- Opulent Odyssey –  Cover  April Issue 2024 Michael LOMBARD FASHION ICON IN ACTION SHOOTING