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REDA FAWAZ, Lebanese-Ivorian Designer

[Bio] Born in Côte d’Ivoire, Reda Fawaz is of Lebanese origin. Man of multi competence with an artist’s


After a childhood in the Ivorian sun, he took off for Lebanon in the year 80s where he will be trained in professional dance

before launching his own troupe dedicated to the animation of events of all kinds. Reda FAWAZ was a flamenco dancer by being young. Sometimes an event organizer, event planer, sometimes an artist, sometimes a wedding designer, a perfume creator.

The man of many talents makes the woman always more beautiful because he has a magnifying look

Reda Fawaz

in everything he does and everything he touch.

Each desire, every wish of its customers is transformed from dream to reality, Reda FAWAZ transforms your vision into a reality and makes the organization your event to fully satisfy your desires.
After traveling back and forth between Beirut and Abidjan, several trainings and a professional experience with the great of Beirut events, it will be finally in the world of the decoration and in particular of the floral decoration and the creation of atmospheres that this artist- born will flourish.

A journey and experience rich, but especially a desire to return to Abidjan that will push him to start his own in 2007. The date he will create the brand Reda Fawaz.

With more than 100 weddings and a dozen Fashion Events, some of the most exclusive in the capital, this young Ivorian-Lebanese has become – over the years – a key reference in the styling of chic and glamorous events in Cote d ‘Ivory.

Finally, in February 2015, Reda Fawaz launches « Class – Elixir de Parfum by RF ». Reda Fawaz is also in the cosmetics industry.

New fragrance range of Reda FAWAZ in 2017 represented by « Love flowers & The Man« ,


New line of parfume « Love flowers & The Man » the fragrances of R. Fawaz 2017

Many times premium by fashion events, certifies wedding planer, Creator of Dream to Reality  »Du Reve a la Realite » for the 3rd edition in 2017.

TOP 10 Fashion Care and TOP 10 of the Best Manager in 2016.

TOP 10 2016  Awards – REDA FAWAZ – FASHION CARE and BEST MANAGER of Fashion Company


Top 10 2017  Award – Best Fashion Show – Du Reve a la Realite



Contact :

Location : Rue Paul Langevin, Zone 4C – Abidjan, Ivory Coast 

Email : info@redafawaz.com

Mobile : + 225 07 49 45 39